Tim Williams
Tim has spent the majority of his professional career in roles within the Queenstown Lakes District, holding senior positions in policy and planning within the QLDC, and in companies providing services to the Council. In the last 10 years Tim has specialised in a consultant capacity, providing guidance on obtaining development approvals in private practice roles and directly for commercial development companies.
Accordingly, Tim has a broad depth of experience and understanding of the local context, planning, and consenting requirements. This experience has seen Tim lead projects from their inception through consenting to construction. Tim has also presented expert evidence in the Environment Court covering various planning and urban design matters.
Tim's qualifications in planning, urban design, and development ensure he has a focus on understanding how development can be best delivered from inception to construction.
Paula Costello
Paula is a qualified planner and urban designer with a professional career developed over the last 20 years, predominantly in the Queenstown Lakes District. Paula has held senior roles with the QLDC Planning Department in both Queenstown and Wanaka, resulting in an in-depth understanding of Council planning rules, systems and requirements and a wide network of local relationships. Paula has experience in providing expert evidence to the Environment Court in both hearing and mediation environments and can provide consultant services in both planning and urban design.
Paula is an accredited Independent Commissioner and has served as a hearings commissioner for the Queenstown Lakes District Council in this role. Her experience and expertise are also recognised by the Council on an on-going consultant basis.