Town Planning, Resource Management & Urban Design Specialists

Queenstown & Wanaka

Our Services Get in Touch

Experts at securing resource consents, council approvals and providing urban design assessments

Williams&Co is a company focussed on providing solutions that assist developments at a variety of scales from consenting for visitor accommodation to master planning mixed-use precincts. With a focus on the development process, Williams&Co ensures, from initial consideration to the completion of a project, each step is best suited to ensure the optimal outcome for the client.

With foundations in planning, urban design and development Williams&Co is in a unique position to understand how a development or project is realized and therefore can apply this knowledge through the design and consenting phase to ensure approvals are best suited to the development objectives.

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Planning & Resource Consent Applications

icon urban

Urban Design

icon subdiv

Subdivision Resource Consents

icon airbnb

Airbnb / Short Term Accommodation

Our Projects

project list hawea 1

Hawea SHA

project list va 1

Visitor Accommodation

project list qlcht 1

Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust

project list fryerst 1

Fryer Street

project list frankton flats 1

Frankton Flats North

project list clarks 1

Clarks Residence